Everything has a heart and the heart of the Holy Qur’aan is Surah Yaseen. Allah Subhana Ta’ala will record anyone who recites Yaseen as having recited the Holy Qur’aan ten times.
No doubt reciting the Holy Quran have a lot of benefits, If any one try to write its benefits, every thing will finish but benefits will not be finished. Following are some benefits of Surah Yaseen:
  1. Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) said, “ Whoever read Surah Yaseen in the beginning of the day, all his needs for that day will be fulfilled.”
  2. Hazrat Anas radiyallahu anhu reported Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam as saying, “Whoever goes to the graveyard and reads Surah Yaseen Allah Ta’ala gives them (the grave dwellers) ease that day, and the reciter receives spiritual blessings equivalent to the amount of letters of Surah Yaseen.”
  3. “Whoever reads Surah Yaseen for the pleasure of Allah only, all his earlier sins are forgiven. Therefore make a practice of reading this Surah over your dead.”
  4. Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam has said, “Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, that night he will be forgiven.”
  5. According to one hadith, if anyone recites Surah Yaseen every night and then dies, they die as a shaheed (martyr).
  6. “Whoever reads Surah Yaseen, will be is forgiven; whoever reads it in hunger, will be is satisfied; whoever reads it having lost their way, they will finds their way; whoever reads it on losing of an animal, they will find it. When one reads it apprehending that their food will run short, that food becomes suffient. If one reads it beside a person who is in the throes of death, these are made easy for them. If anyone reads it on a woman experiencing difficulty in child-birth, her delivery becomes easy.
  7. Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reports the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, “Whoever recites Surah Yaseen on the eve of Friday he will be forgiven.
  8. Hazrat Ibn Abbas radiyallahu anhu reports Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, “My heart’s desire is that Surah Yaseen should be present in the heart of every individual of my Ummah.
  9. According to one hadith, if somebody reads Surah Yaseen and Surah Was-Saaffaat on Friday and begs Allah something, their wishes is granted.
  10. Hazrat Ummud Darda radiyallahu anhu reports the Noble Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam saying, “Over no person who is about to die and Surah Yaseen is read upon them but Allah Ta’ala lightens the difficulties of death for him.”