Saturday, October 11, 2014

Durood Shareef

Al Quran
No Doubt, Allah Subhana Tala and His angels send blessings (daroodShareef) on the Prophet(PBUH), the Communicator of unseen news, O you who believe! send upon him Blessings and greetings (Salaam) him fully well in abundance.

Anas ibn Malik (RA) narrates that Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

  • Anyone who recite durood upon Prophet once, Almighty Allah blesses him ten times, ten of his sins are forgiven, and he is increased ten times in stages.

  • The person who sent maximum darood sharif to Rasool Allah (PBUH) will be very closest to HIM at the day of Judgement.

  • Maximum Daroord shareef should read on Friday, because this darood shareef will be presented to Rasool Allaha(PBUH) this day. (ABU DAWUD).

  • ·       Anyone who recite Darood shareef on the grave of Rasool Allah (PBUH), He listen it Himself also anyone recite it from distance, Angels of Allaha present this to Rasool Allah (PBUH).

  • ·        Anyone who recite Darood Shareef maximum time, He will be protected from the fear of Judgment day (Qayamat).

  • Allaha Subhana Tala send 70 blessings of the person who recite Darood Shareef and also Angels Pray for him 70 times.

  •  Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said; anyone who recite darood shareef on Me 10 time in morning and 10 time in evening, I (PBUH) will give his recommendations.

  •  Anyone who recite Darood Shareef 1000 time every day, house has been developed for him in Jannah and He will see it before death.

  •   Allah Subhana Tala orders his angels not to write any minor sins for 3 days who recite darood shareef on Rasool Allah (PBUH) once.

  • Anyone who recite darood shareef on Rasool Allah(PBUH) and Allah Subhana Tala will also Send Darood(Blessings) on him.

  • ·        Anyone who recite Durood Shareef Maximum time in all Ummah that will be the first person who meet Holy Prophet on the day of judgment.

  • ·        Anyone who recite maximum time durood shareef, he will be the nearest to Holy Prophet in Jannah.

  • Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to his wife anyone who listen My name and does not recite durood on Me, He will not see My face on the day of judgment.

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